
Feature ListExpressPro
Web Service and plain http(s) / REST invocation.
WCF: BasicHttpBinding, WsHttpBinding, WsDualHttpBinding, NetTcpBinding, NetPeerTcpBinding, NetNamedPipeBinding and WebHttpBinding
Select WCF binding and security.
Intuitive tree grid for editing requests.
Define assertions for response checking.
Edit Http headers.
Define client credentials (Basic, Windows, Http Digest, certificate and Mesh for WCF).
Adding random number or string, or information from a CSV file, to a request.
Define advanced WCF settings such as: Action, Timeouts, MaxBuffers, ReaderQuotas, uniqueid etc.
Creating a loop, where each invocation uses a different input from a CSV file.
Full business process emulation; defining several steps and running a full test.
Adding information to a request, from previous responses.
Save and open tests.
Load testing.
Edit proxy settings.
Command line test execution.
A conditional invocation can be added, where execution depends on a previous response.
Annual license const.FreeOnly $99